Is Your Business Ready for LinkedIn's Video Revolution?

Picture this: you're scrolling through LinkedIn, wading through a sea of text-based posts, updates, and articles. Suddenly, a video catches your eye – a quick, snappy clip showcasing a product demo, a behind-the-scenes glimpse of a buzzing office, or maybe a relatable industry meme made with funny sound effects. That's the power of short-form video, and it's about to take LinkedIn by storm.

News has been buzzing about LinkedIn testing a new dedicated short-form video feed. Think TikTok or Instagram Reels, but with a dash of that LinkedIn professionalism, we all know and...well, maybe not love, but definitely tolerate. This move signals a major shift in how we engage on the platform.

Now, before you roll your eyes and think, "Not another social media trend to chase!" Hear me out. This LinkedIn video revolution offers a golden opportunity for small businesses like yours. It's all about catching eyeballs and leaving a lasting impression on your potential customers.

Let's explore why embracing LinkedIn video early on is a smart move and how you can prepare your business to ride this exciting wave—even if the fancy new feed isn't available yet to everyone.

Why LinkedIn Short Form Video Matters for Small Businesses

Picture your LinkedIn feed as a bustling digital marketplace. Text-based updates are like shop signs – they tell you what a business is about, but they don't always draw you in. Video content is like a charismatic street performer – it grabs attention, sparks curiosity, and makes you want to stick around. Here's why it matters for small businesses:

  • Visibility boost: In a world where content is king, video helps you cut through the noise. Short, easily digestible clips are perfect for capturing those fleeting attention spans as people scroll.

  • Build that human connection: Businesses aren't just logos; they're made of people. Video lets you showcase your team, share your company culture, and put a genuine face behind your brand. This fosters trust and makes you way more relatable.

  • Become an authority: Sharing bite-sized industry tips, answering common questions, or even just giving your thoughts on a trending topic positions you as a go-to source in your field.

  • Networking on Overdrive: Video is a conversation starter. A well-crafted clip can spark comments, shares, and meaningful connections with potential clients, partners, or even future employees.

The takeaway:  LinkedIn video lets you showcase what makes your small business unique in a way that static posts simply can't compete with.

It's Not Too Early to Prepare

You might be thinking, "Well, this LinkedIn video feed sounds great, but it's not even available to me yet!" Don't worry; this is where you gain a serious edge. Think of it like prepping for a big marathon – the early training is what sets you up for success.

  • The early bird advantage: When the video feature rolls out widely, there'll be a scramble. Businesses that've prepared will hit the ground running, getting their content seen while others are still trying to figure things out. Visibility, engagement—it's all for the taking!

  • Understanding the algorithm: Just like any social platform, LinkedIn will favor certain types of content. By experimenting now, even on a small scale, you'll figure out what resonates with your audience.

So, what can you do right now to get ready, even without the dedicated video feed? Let's break it down.

Getting Ready for the New Video Feed

  • Brainstorm like crazy: This is the most fun part! What kind of videos could you create? Think quick demos, "day in the life" vlogs, answering FAQs, highlighting customer successes...the possibilities are endless. Write down every idea, no matter how silly it seems at first!

  • Embrace the 'good enough' mindset: Don't let perfection be the enemy of progress. Smartphones are amazing video tools; a little natural lighting, decent audio, and genuine enthusiasm are all you need to start.

  • Sharpen those skills: Play around with free video editing apps (like CapCut or InShot). Learn basic techniques like trimming clips, adding text overlays, and using simple transitions. There are tons of free tutorials online!

Alright, let's get down to brass tacks – creating compelling LinkedIn videos!

Beyond the Video Itself

You've put in the effort to make a snappy clip, but don't hit post just yet. Optimizing your videos for the LinkedIn platform is crucial for maximum reach and engagement. Here's what you need to focus on:

  • Captions are key: Many people scroll with the sound off. Clear captions or subtitles ensure your message gets across even on mute. They also boost accessibility, which is always a good thing!

  • Hashtags – use them wisely: Hashtags help categorize your content and make it more discoverable. Do your research – use a mix of broad and niche-specific hashtags relevant to your industry and target audience.

  • Keywords matter: Think about what words people might search for when looking for content like yours. Naturally, sprinkle these into your video's description and title (if it has one).


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