Why simply having a website isn’t enough in 2023.

Why simply having a website isn’t enough in 2023.

Many business owners look at a website as a necessity but don’t give it much thought once that publish button has been hit. It becomes an afterthought, with little to no brainpower devoted toward how to use it as one of your greatest selling assets.

Your website should be your pride and joy, your most well-planned-out asset, and something you are constantly thinking about improving. You might be asking why, but you should know by now that in this blog we give you ALLLLLLLL the important information, so let’s get started!

Don’t Underestimate Behind the Scenes Pages

A lot of people think that the only useful content on their sites is the pieces linked in the main navigation. In fact, a lot of those people even think the only important page is the homepage, and they try to stuff everything on a single page. They end up with a messy, non-optimized, and overloaded landing page that overwhelms the people that do end up on it.

Your home page should be clean, introduce your company, and provide a call to action. Let the rest of your site do its job by providing the content for individual topics. Your main navigation should only consist of the main topics that are important for your business. Everything else should live on your site through links embedded within your website’s content, and in the junk drawer (aka the website footer). These pages that sit more toward the back end of your site are great to provide more information on singular topics.

For example, a client of ours, Groundswell Experiential, provides top-tier white-glove experiential marketing for businesses and brands. Their services are highly customizable, and their end goal with their site is to turn traffic into appointments. Because of this, they showcase studies on the frontward-facing portion of their website, rather than having a list of services. That doesn’t mean they can’t benefit from having content about those services on their website. So what did we do about that?

We have been working with them to build pages that dive into more detail about those services. In the case studies, they list the services they provided for that particular experience, and we will link to these back pages, allowing people to navigate to them if they want to. The main purpose of these though is for SEO. Anyone searching for information on that specific service will now have a chance to find their page on it, which will increase their chances of converting another client.

See how that works?

Water the Garden

It’s important to keep a steady stream of new and valuable content flowing to your website every month. By doing this, you can begin ranking better on search engines, leading to more traffic, leading to more sales, leading to more CASH in your pocket. This content can come in the form of a blog post like this (yes, this blog is meant to both provide you valuable information AND help us improve our website rankings), or other pages sitting in the depths of your website. If you can add one or two new pages a month, you’ll be doing more than most of your competitors and start taking over your market.

When you add pages, pick a target topic or keyword that you want to talk about and stick solely to that topic. Use a tool like Semrush, or you can always contact us to help, and determine which topics to talk about first, and what kinds of content are going to rank.

Get After It!

So go and run to your website, ask yourself, “What can I add to provide more value,” and start creating! And always remember that you don’t have to do it alone. We help businesses every day with this exact thing. Check out our SEO Services, and we’d be happy to chat more to see how we can help!


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