3 Things You Can Do NOW To Improve Your Digital Marketing Efforts

Improve Your Digital Marketing

If you're a business owner, your main mission is to drive more revenue. The main way to do that is to market yourself, and anyone who has been paying any attention is realizing the best place for that is online. But digital marketing is more than just posting here and there on social media. Here are 3 things you can do RIGHT NOW that will have an immediate positive impact on your digital marketing.

1. Define your target market.

Businesses that truly understand digital marketing also truly understand their customers. We're not talking just the basic demographic information, but what job does this person have? What other people do they follow? Where do they get their information from? When you understand these things, you can better tailor your content toward your target customer.

To help you get started, we've provided you a FREE Buyer Persona Worksheet that you can use to get started.

2. Find your manageable consistency.

Many marketers will tell you that you need to post three times a day on all platforms to truly grow. That's just simply not true. That is a great way to grow faster and larger, but many people can't manage creating, editing, and posting that much content. What you can do instead is figure out what you CAN manage, and what days make the most sense to put those posts out. You can find basic information in the Facebook business manager insights that will let you know when your audience is most active.

We've been able to grow our clients' engagement by over 300% in some cases posting only three times a week. What we changed for them was the consistency, posting the same three days each week, and being more intentional about the content we put out there. We weren't just posting sales the company was running. We were also educating and entertaining, and people came to their socials for it.

3. Repurpose your content.

For the same reasons you might have trouble posting 3 times a day, you most likely will struggle coming up with different content for each of your focus social media platforms. One way to get around this is to repurpose a topic.

For example: The way we might repurpose the topic of this blog is by, for starters, writing this blog. Next I can make a vertical video where I verbally talk briefly about these three points. The video can go on Instagram, YouTube Shorts, and TikTok. I may even share it on LinkedIn and Facebook, but on those two platforms I will add that they can find more information on our blog post. This leads the viewer to our site, where they can take a look at our other blog posts, and maybe even our services. One topic... five platforms, and the content is only altered slightly for each.

Leverage these three things and you'll see an rapid impact on your businesses visibility, and ultimately its sales.


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