Most Small Businesses Make This SEO Mistake

The world of search engine optimization is a complex one. How does the almighty Google view the content on your site to determine who ranks at the top of its search queues? The truth is that it changes quite frequently, but at the end of the day, the best way to rank is to have valuable content on your site that answers the searcher's questions. Full transparency, this blog post is designed to help our site with SEO. The only way for it to do that is for us to provide you valuable information about the topic at hand!

Many business owners look at SEO and think about how they want to rank for the top five terms in their industry. If you're an orthodontist, you may be working through the build of your site and want to rank for the terms "orthodontist", "orthodontist near me", "orthodontics", "dentist" (I know they're not the same), and maybe "braces", just to name a few. In an ideal world, you'd pack your site with these keywords and Google would bless you with your number one ranking for each term. 

The problem this orthodontist is going to run into is that these are highly competitive terms, and they will have to spend a long time working on building their credibility with their site and socials to move up the ranks. Focusing all of their efforts on highly contested keywords may still land them lower on the first page, or worse yet... on the rarely opened page two.

"What is the solution," you may be asking. Well, for starters, it's important to understand who your customer is and what problems they have that you solve. Looking back at our friendly neighborhood orthodontist, they might want to start building content around the topic, "What causes crooked teeth?" He could have a chart that explains the difference between an over and underbite. Now they are thinking about the questions their potential customer might be searching answers for in the curiosity stage, and then BOOM... At the end of that blog post, you offer the fact that you are available for consultations to see how you can fix their smile before their wedding or big picture day.

All this time, you can also be writing blogs about the difference between an orthodontist and a dentist, which will improve your rankings for those more competitive keywords. But in the meantime, you're going to be picking off the low hanging fruit, and be in front of more potential customers at the time of their research before buying.

As always, if you found this helpful but would like to talk to an expert about putting this in play, book your free discovery call, and we'll work to get you more traffic! 


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