The Importance of Social Media Marketing in 2023

Do me a favor and go to your screen time somewhere in your phone's settings. If you are like most people in the world the top app, or at the very least within the top three, will be some form of social media. Whether your app of choice is TikTok, Instagram, or even YouTube, chances are you spend a majority of the time you're on your phone on social media. If you don't, congrats, you have more self control than about 98% of the population.

What does this have to do with marketing a business? Well, if most people spend most of their time on social media, don't you think you should have a pretty heavy presence there? The thing we preach most in this blog is being in front of your customers all the time, so when they're ready to purchase you are front of mind.

So how do we leverage your audience's addiction to social media to grow your business? It's pretty simple, and I'll break it down into three simple steps.

1. Figure Out Their Primary Platforms

Which social app was at the top of that screen time list? Chances are your interests probably align with your audience's, so that platform may be a great place to start. Figure out which social platforms your customers use most frequently. You can find this out by testing the waters across all of them, or do the easy thing and just ask your customers which platforms are their favorites!

Once you have that information, you can build out and tailor the content for those specific platforms

2. What Type Of Content Do They Prefer?

Think about other influencers or personalities they may follow. Are they following your competition? If so, what types of content get the most traction? You'll want to mirror those types of posts within your own content. Stay away from filling your timelines or grids with non-stop sales or promotional posts. People come on social media to be SOCIAL! Who would've thunk? Can you answer FAQ's, or provide tips and tricks to your audience to build up authority? Can you show behind the scenes content that humanize your brand? Figure out how you can best entertain and provide value with your content and you'll see your engagement rise.

3. Find Your Manageable Consistency

I'm not going to sit here and tell you that you won't benefit from posting three times a day, every day. You'll probably see some quicker growth. I'm also not going to tell you that there is no other way to grow. Find what works best with your schedule and STAY CONSISTENT. Consistency is key. We usually post three times a week for our clients and have been able to grow their engagement by over 300% in some cases. What we do is post the same days and times every week so it becomes a part of your audience's routine. On occasion we test different types of content and different times, and we expect a decrease in numbers, but are pleasantly surprised by increases. We then use that information to make adjustments as needed. 

Figure out what works for you, and stick to it.

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