The Power of Storytelling in Digital Marketing

What sets you apart?

If you're a business owner, you either have this locked down, or you're like the majority of other owners who haven't quite figured out how to relay that message. It is one of the most important things you can figure out for your business. Unless you are in a rare market that has little to no competition, you need to have some differentiating factors to stand out. A lot of that can and should stem from your why, and/or your story.

We've mentioned in other issues of this blog that people don't want to be sold anymore. The old ways of putting together an ad about your latest and greatest 15% off sale and having people rush your door are over. People want to feel informed for when they're ready to make a purchase, and they want to feel connected to the companies they do business with. That is where your story comes in.

Why did you get into your line of work? Why do you wake up every day and choose that profession? What hardships have you gone through that provide a unique perspective on how you can help others avoid a similar issue? These are all part of your story.

Build posts around them for social media, or YouTube, or your blog. Make them a part of who you are and people will begin to connect with your brand. That's right... We said brand. Good storytelling can be the difference between being just another small or mid-market business and building a brand.

When you have a story to tell, people have something they can get behind. They have more reasons to support you because maybe your journey is something they're able to relate to. So ask yourself today, "How can I start sharing my story in my marketing?"


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